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Tuning people or happenings near Los Alamos?

🔗Keenan Pepper <keenanpepper@...>

5/20/2008 2:57:30 PM

Last summer, I went to Caltech to work on a project related to LIGO,
and while I was there I saw a Harry Partch concert in L.A. that was
part of Microfest. It was totally awesome and one of the best parts of
the whole summer, even including Yosemite and skydiving. I wouldn't
have known about it if not for this list.

This summer I'm going to Los Alamos National Lab to work on a plasma
physics project, and I was wondering if there are any microtonal
concerts or other events in that general area. I'll be in Los Alamos
most of the time, but I'll most likely visit Santa Fe at least once,
and maybe even Albuquerque or other places. If anyone who lives there
just wants to jam or something, that's cool too.
