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anyone for a listening experiment?

🔗Carl Lumma <clumma@xxx.xxxx>

2/10/1999 7:57:48 PM

Here's two I found interesting. I won't try to color your listening with
mine, so write in with your results and we can all share.

1. 13/12 - 4/3 - 5/3

Try this position and see what you think of its consonance. Be sure to try
it in different registers before you make up your mind. Then try different
inversions, and see which one you like best. Lastly, try doubling each one
of the notes in the bass, and see how they work.

2. 15/16 - 24/7 - 5/1

Howabout this? Consonant? What happens if you mistune the 15/16 a bit? I
tried 76/81, about 1.4 cents off.

I did them first with Graham Breed's Midi Relay and my Soundblaster Live
with the GM reed organ patch. Then I fired up Justonic's pitch palette
with "WAV sound" and the "triangle wave" patch. My results were the same
with both instruments.

I will say that my conclusions supported my long-standing belief that
octave-invariance is out the window when you go above the 7-limit.
