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Beating fifths and thirds?

🔗Petr Pařízek <>

4/9/2008 7:47:02 AM

Hi again.

Yesterday, I was trying to make a new equal beating quasi-meantone tuning where A4 was set to 415Hz. My aim was to have the F major triad beating significantly slower then those like G or D major. Finally, I ended up with two versions because I still can't decide what sounds better. In one of them, I got 1Hz in F4-C5 and 3Hz in A4-C5. In the other one, I reached 2Hz in both of them. Having played in both scales for a while, I realized that I actually liked one F major version for some timbres and the other one for others. So I just wanted to discuss your views on this a bit, whether you have any preferences for one or the other, or simply what you think about it. Any suggestions are welcome.
