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Handel, et al, and language skills

🔗Jonathan M. Szanto <jszanto@xxxx.xxxx>

1/6/2000 1:11:37 AM

Paul Erlich wrote:

>Same goes for Bosanquet and
>all of Wilson's keyboard designs. Jon, are you listening?

Yes, always. I had already thought of Bosanquet, but had never actually
seen one of the kbds in use. I also thought of some of Kraig Grady's
metallophones, whose keys are laid out (I think) like either some of
Wilson's ideas or similar to Bosanquet.

But, yes, those are the ideas. What a wonderful world, if the performing
instrument also served as a demonstrable template for the underlying
tuning/harmonic/melodic fabric...


Well, I said "Yes, always", but some of the postings are becoming so obtuse
and childish that I may take leave again. Paul, you put a lot of good info
down the pike and then you throw in something like "suppressed by the JI
extremists?" Please. This sounds like some of the lunatic rantings of...
someone who used to post here long ago, evoking visions of black
helicopters descending in the night.

You only denigrate your own scholastic integrity with junk like that.

And for godsake, Johnny: the meaning of the word microtone, like so many
billions of words, can be pretty well ascertained by looking at it's parts.
It would seem that every common use of the prefix "micro-" refers to small,
from the Greek mikros. After so much time spent researching and performing,
you too are weakening your work by barking up this ridiculous tree.

I can see it now: in a couple of months, we will have disagreements on the
words "alternate", "tuning", and "list" -- all taking place on the
alternate tuning list. At that time all of the events that were *supposed*
to happen by virtue of the Y2K bug will occur simultaneously. Bit will
collide, teeth will gnash, blood will run in the streets, pestilence, jock

All so very tedious.

Jonathan M. Szanto : Corporeal Meadows - Harry Partch, online. :