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Yamaha FB01

🔗instrujunkie <>

2/8/2008 4:33:52 AM

can someone help me? I know that the FB01 apart from it's weird pitch
bend behaviour can receive tuning tables via SysEx. But I can find no
program to produce such tables.
Thx alot

🔗Charles Lucy <>

2/8/2008 4:26:17 PM

I actually have an old FB01 somewhere, in my collection of obsolete gear.
I may also have the manual, if that helps, let me know exactly what you need to find out, and I'll have a look at your problem.
My guess is that you will have to write a sysex file in a sequencer, and send it to the FB01.
It probably uses YAMs as tuning units.
YAMs are explained on this page:

On Feb 8, 2008, at 12:33 PM, instrujunkie wrote:

> Hello,
> can someone help me? I know that the FB01 apart from it's weird pitch
> bend behaviour can receive tuning tables via SysEx. But I can find no
> program to produce such tables.
> Thx alot
> Tom
Charles Lucy

- Promoting global harmony through LucyTuning -

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🔗instrujunkie <>

2/9/2008 1:33:39 AM

Thank you Charles,
the manual doesn't say much. I got one myself.

Charles Lucy <lucy@...> wrote:
> I may also have the manual, if that helps,

On it says 1.17 cent
for DX7II, 1,56 cent for FB01, TX81z etc.

It really seems the FB has to receive tuning information with each
keystroke. I thought it might have a volatile memory. But there it
reads ( only for the FB01 ) "send tuning with note on message"

>let me know exactly what
> you need to find out, and I'll have a look at your problem.
> My guess is that you will have to write a sysex file in a sequencer,
> and send it to the FB01.

I'll have to think if and how to work out that. Maybe this "polyphonic
pitch bend" turns out to be THE great advantage over my other
machines. But They are far easier to access in this point.

Thank you Charles

> It probably uses YAMs as tuning units.
> YAMs are explained on this page: