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AW.: Re: Q: how many tones in a tonality diamond?


1/1/2000 4:32:10 PM

In einer Nachricht vom 1/2/00 12:45:17 AM (MEZ) Mitteleurop�ische Zeit

<< By the way, this business about the tonality diamond having either 29 or
tones is a bit semantical: Partch clearly labels the two 'notes' that are
duplicated in the diamond, leading to 29 'discrete' pitches, but for
logical, compositional and, not least, visual sense 31 is a path that makes
just as much sense to follow. >>

There are also musical reason why one might want to say that Partch's diamond
has 36 tones. Although the tones in the diagonal row of 1/1, 5/5, 3/3, 7/7,
9/9, 11/11 share the same frequency, Partch uses them as different tones

This is not facetious or clever: the distinct functional identities of these
tones were important enough to Partch that he used a lot of extra hardwood to
carve redundant tones in the middle row of the diamond marimba! (One does
wonder, however, what alternative designs he might have considered had he
known about Erv Wilson's diamond graphs.)