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10/18/2007 12:23:41 PM

Whenever someone says they don't like temperaments, for whatever artistic/personal reasons, I figure they aren't going to be playing much jazz, blues, country, funk, reggae, flamenco, rock, fusion, all styles that use the 12 tone tempered scale (and in my musical world, are also playable in other temps, very successfully, I believe). Tunings, to me, are like clothes...I wear what's appropriate to the weather or social situation, and for tunings, I don't feel limited by any intellectual concepts; whatever I need for a tune is fine with me. To limit oneself is the death of true art; the great ones always stretch the ears and sensibilities of folks who may not be as adventurous, often scaring or confusing them in the process. The great ones always lead the way, and it often takes years for others to catch up; if they ever do. Of course, I am veryvery broadbased in my tastes, and I've found that the majority of people in the world are a bit timid in their view of art. No problem, but I feel they are missing out on a (BTW, I now have an excerpt of my fretless piece "Iraq" on this site, it's the first piece)