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🔗Carl Lumma <>

8/15/2007 12:35:13 AM

...No time to reply just yet. Meanwhile, I'll post
this poem, which I thought I'd posted here already (but
apparently not), that was a personal note from the one
and only Lewis Carroll to our very dear keyboard

The year when boilers froze and ket-
tles crystalized the fender
The natal day of Bosanquet
Dawned on us in its splendour.

For those who wear wool hosen cat-
ching colds a thing unheard of
But this great maxim Bosanquet
Would not believe a word of.

When Frenchman say "sare, no zank" et-
iquette suggests the answer
"A zoughtless, zankless Bosanquet
Would be more zief zan man Sir."

Dear Bosanquet I've here expressed
The grateful feeling that is
But due to one who treats his guest
To genuine oyster patties.

- Charles Dodgson,
to R.H.M. Bosanquet, 20 Oct. 1891
