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🔗John Starrett <jstarret@xxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxx>

12/24/1999 10:38:46 AM

I just realized how geezerly it sounds to be complaining that they don't
sing barbershop like they used to. Oh well. I'm marginally old enough.
Carl, however, should be vigilant.

John Starrett

🔗Carl Lumma <clumma@xxx.xxxx>

12/25/1999 8:40:31 AM

>I just realized how geezerly it sounds to be complaining that they don't
>sing barbershop like they used to.

Not geezerly at all! Barbershop sounds much better than it ever did in the

John, I'm sure you're imagining the vibrato increase. The link you gave
lists the 96 album, which I have (in fact, my choir director sings tenor in
Free Trade Agreement, which placed that year). I followed links to the 99
album, for which there are no audio clips. However, I heard FRED perform
live in 1996, and they weren't using any extra vibrato then. I went to a
workshop given by Bank Street at harmony college in 1997 -- what a
fantastic group! Freefall was a college quartet back in 97 when I saw
them. They do a hilarious act where they whip out brass instruments and
reprise parts of the songs they've sung.


🔗Carl Lumma <clumma@xxx.xxxx>

12/25/1999 9:08:29 AM

[I wrote...]
>John, I'm sure you're imagining the vibrato increase.

That's not to say a Barbershoper has never covered up a mistuned chord with
vibrato! But I don't think this technique is on the rise...
