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Prelude in 11ET

🔗Aaron Andrew Hunt <>

5/14/2007 11:52:58 PM

New piece written over the past 2 days, uploaded here:

Prelude in 11ET, my first piece in this tuning, uses octatonic scales (similar to the 13ET prelude) and lots of invertible counterpoint. It's the longest piece so far that I've written in a tuning other than 12, clocking in at almost 5 minutes, which may be ironic considering that 11ET is not often considered a tuning one wants to hear a lot of, but I like it. Versions are uploaded for piano, harp, and harpsichord. [Note: beware that depending on your synthesizer, the harp version might occasionally have bending sounds in the reverb.]

Thanks to everyone for the feedback on the Prelude in 13ET; I agree that that one is probably the most successful thus far next to the 17ET invention.

Aaron Hunt
H-Pi Instruments

🔗Ozan Yarman <>

5/15/2007 4:45:35 PM



----- Original Message -----
From: "Aaron Andrew Hunt" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: 15 May�s 2007 Sal� 9:52
Subject: [tuning] Prelude in 11ET

> New piece written over the past 2 days, uploaded here:
> Prelude in 11ET, my first piece in this tuning, uses octatonic scales
> (similar to the 13ET prelude) and lots of invertible counterpoint. It's
> the longest piece so far that I've written in a tuning other than 12,
> clocking in at almost 5 minutes, which may be ironic considering that
> 11ET is not often considered a tuning one wants to hear a lot of, but I
> like it. Versions are uploaded for piano, harp, and harpsichord. [Note:
> beware that depending on your synthesizer, the harp version might
> occasionally have bending sounds in the reverb.]
> Thanks to everyone for the feedback on the Prelude in 13ET; I agree
> that that one is probably the most successful thus far next to the 17ET
> invention.
> Yours,
> Aaron Hunt
> H-Pi Instruments