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AW.: Re: brass quintets ...


12/21/1999 11:51:42 AM

In einer Nachricht vom 12/21/99 5:28:21 PM (MEZ) Mitteleurop�ische Zeit

Yes, I do believe it is the beatless "ring" that people notice. If the
quintet could somehow learn to play in 12tet, the sound would be so rough
by comparison that probably many people would fail to identify them as a
brass group at all upon hearing a recording.

-Carl >>

Instrumental identities are extremely robost under any tuning; the Kolisch
Quartet played consciously in 12tet and no one would ever get the idea that
they were anything other than a string quartet. Contrary to your viewpoint,
it is when instruments with harmonic spectra use an exact harmonic (as
opposed to subharmonic) JI that the identities of the individual instruments
are masked or blended into the composite sound.