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Wendy's comments


4/8/2007 9:57:59 PM

My teacher George Keith used to always tell me, "Don't get locked in..." and, I think that's all Wendy is saying here. Myself, I'd be open to composing in just about any tuning there is...of course, I need the axes to do that, and that involves $$$ to get them built. Ivor Darreg was pretty open minded about that as sure is a big world of tunings...Hstick

🔗Mark Rankin <>

4/9/2007 10:30:46 AM

Neal et al,

As someone who began as a J.I. freak, I enjoyed
Wendy's broad-minded take on the subject (no gender
pun intended). Yes, the continuum continues without
end, and an infinite number of guitars would cost an
infinite number of $$$, but on a practical level,
picture a finite number of guitars, say twelve, to
start with. Still expensive. Now imagine one guitar
with twelve interchangeable fretboards that cost say,
$75 each. Now we're down to the cost of one
interchangeable fretboard guitar plus $900 for 12
interchangeable fretboards. Infinity it ain't, but it
verges on the practical.

Mark Rankin

--- wrote:

> My teacher George Keith used to always tell me,
> "Don't get locked in..." and, I think that's all
> Wendy is saying here. Myself, I'd be open to
> composing in just about any tuning there is...of
> course, I need the axes to do that, and that
> involves $$$ to get them built. Ivor Darreg was
> pretty open minded about that as sure is a
> big world of tunings...Hstick

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🔗Cornell III, Howard M <>

4/9/2007 11:24:51 AM


The violin can be played in just temperament fretlessly, and then there
are those fretless bass guitars.
So, why not "play by ear", at least until you have practiced enough to
know where C ends and Dbb begins (about 20 cents)?


From: [] On Behalf
Of Mark Rankin
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2007 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [tuning] Wendy's comments

Neal et al,

As someone who began as a J.I. freak, I enjoyed
Wendy's broad-minded take on the subject (no gender
pun intended). Yes, the continuum continues without
end, and an infinite number of guitars would cost an
infinite number of $$$, but on a practical level,
picture a finite number of guitars, say twelve, to
start with. Still expensive. Now imagine one guitar
with twelve interchangeable fretboards that cost say,
$75 each. Now we're down to the cost of one
interchangeable fretboard guitar plus $900 for 12
interchangeable fretboards. Infinity it ain't, but it
verges on the practical.

Mark Rankin

--- <> wrote:

> My teacher George Keith used to always tell me,
> "Don't get locked in..." and, I think that's all
> Wendy is saying here. Myself, I'd be open to
> composing in just about any tuning there is...of
> course, I need the axes to do that, and that
> involves $$$ to get them built. Ivor Darreg was
> pretty open minded about that as sure is a
> big world of tunings...Hstick

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