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Re: Schubert as 5-limit (??)

🔗Joe Monzo <monz@xxxx.xxxx>

12/19/1999 11:41:41 AM

Ragarding the questions of Joe Pehrson [TD 446.12] and
observations of Daniel Wolf [TD 446.14] on tuning issues
in Schubert's music:

I posted something here about a month or so ago referring
to an article I had seen, but did not really read, advocating
a 5-limit JI interpretation of Schubert's _Death and the Maiden_
Quartet, and containing an analysis of its structure wherein
the author claimed that innovative structural procedures
used by Schubert become audible only if 5-limit JI is
realized in performance.

I believe it was in _Music Analysis_, but am not sure.
Check the archives.

I noticed a *long* time ago (in my teens, when I first got
interested in classical music) that Schubert was fond of
abrupt modulations into distant keys. I thus find it very
interesting that he played guitar, which would have given
him a conception of harmony based more on 12-tET than any
other kind of tuning.


Joseph L. Monzo Philadelphia
|"...I had broken thru the lattice barrier..."|
| - Erv Wilson |

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