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Punks, Punks and more Punks

🔗John Starrett <jstarret@xxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxx>

12/17/1999 12:02:23 PM

Hey y'all-
I now have all the forum cd and the tape swap mp3ified, and I am
ready to slap anyone's music on the Tuning Punks page. I must say, the
tape swap has some great pieces, and the denoising by Cool Edit 2000 is
amazing. If any of you tape swappers want, I will send your mp3ified piece
to you as an email attachment. I still have not found my program notes, so
if you want me to attach your piece, please tell me its number on the

It is so cool that Dante Rosati got his page up. This brings to 8 the
number of pages with conciously microtonal content, by my

BTW, the Tuning Punks are now more easily accessed at

John Starrett