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Re: Digest Number 437

🔗John Starrett <jstarret@xxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxx>

12/13/1999 8:36:39 AM

>> I recieve
>>about one mailing from every other day for my other site, and I
>>just delete it. I think you are perfectly safe. I like your stuff, and I
>>hope you will let me post some.
>Well, the problem is you have to give them your email address to listen
>to anything on their site. I guess I could give them an old address I
>haven't used in years or a completely bogus one and see if that works. I
>just don't like web sites that set up unnecessary barriers that you have
>to give them personal information to get through.

Yes, that is bothersome. I have several email addresses through altavista
and netscape that I use when I don't want to read spam. Horray
for free email! Oh, BTW, if you submit something to Tuning Punks as an
attachment to you may get a reply from me as

There is a good site with instructions for building a PVC clarinet and
other instruments at
Does anyone here have one of those plastic Yamaha midi saxophones they
want to sell?

John Starrett