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our assumptions on past willingness to experiment

🔗Joe Monzo <monz@xxxx.xxxx>

12/11/1999 8:46:51 AM

> [John Starrett, TD 434.4]
>> From: "D.Stearns"
> <snip> But beyond that, "the perfectly reasonable
>> assumption that these great composers might have liked his
>> new tool," seems to me no different than saying that it's
>> a perfectly reasonable assumption that they may not have...
> Yes, why not. But I tend to think that intelligent people will
> at least try a new tool if it gives them some additional ability
> they currently lack.

John, your response is perfectly logical, but to balance the
argument, remember that Brahms (composing c. 1851-1896) refused
to make use of the valved brass instruments that were invented
around the beginning of his career and exploited so effectively
by Wagner and his followers. (Brahms continued working for
13 more years after Wagner's death.)

Of course Brahms was criticized from many quarters for this
reactionary adherence to a past aesthetic, but keep in mind
that one of his reasons for retaining the old valveless horns
was his love for their JI intervals (documented in
Swafford's _Brahms: A biography_).


Joseph L. Monzo Philadelphia
|"...I had broken thru the lattice barrier..."|
| - Erv Wilson |

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12/11/1999 10:31:57 AM

monz writes:

>Of course Brahms was criticized from many quarters for this
>reactionary adherence to a past aesthetic, but keep in mind
>that one of his reasons for retaining the old valveless horns
>was his love for their JI intervals

Ah yes, and you should hear his piano music in well-temperament!! It comes
Ed Foote

🔗John A. deLaubenfels <jadl@xxxxxx.xxxx>

12/16/1999 3:39:06 PM

[Joe Monzo, TD 435.20:]
>>Of course Brahms was criticized from many quarters for this
>>reactionary adherence to a past aesthetic, but keep in mind
>>that one of his reasons for retaining the old valveless horns
>>was his love for their JI intervals

[Ed Foote, TD 435.24:]
>Ah yes, and you should hear his piano music in well-temperament!! It
>comes alive!

Can you provide specific tuning recommendations for specific pieces?
If I have midi files of any of 'em, it'd be easy to wire in fixed tuning
of any sort! I'd really love to hear this & compare with my adaptive
JI tunings!