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Serial Errors: Melodic Sub-Parameter Prioritization:

🔗Bill Flavell <>

12/15/2006 10:06:38 AM

The serialists' choice to make the 12-tone
"technique/row" the basis of the whole
compositional movement implied that
pitch class non-redundancy is more
psychoacoustically important than either
contour or interval class non-redundancy,
and that was a fatal conceptual error.

That was also putting the restrictions/constraints
on the melodic sub-parameter with the LARGEST
NUMBER OF VALUES (12 pitch classes), when
the correct way to generate the most unique
and intervallicly differentiated melodies is to put
the maximum number of restrictions/constraints
on the sub-parameters with the SMALLEST NUMBER
OF VALUES (contour: 2; interval class: 6).

Prioritization of pitch class ordring was like
looking through the "wrong end" of a telescope.

Bill.Flavell at