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To Bill Flavell

🔗Aaron Krister Johnson <>

12/8/2006 8:32:57 PM


I find it kind of ironic that you seem to hate serialism (based on
what you wrote in the post on Harmony and Melody), but you have all
sorts of posts in your group using terms such as 'Set Theory' and
'Pitch Class' which is the kind of language that comes right out of an
Allen Forte or Roger Session textbook!

Perhaps you are trying to exorcise/wrestle with a love/hate affair
with serialism?


🔗Bill Flavell <>

12/9/2006 9:52:43 AM

Pitch class set theory is NOT synonymous
with serialism, by7 a long frigging shot! :)

What I hate about serialism is the 12-tone
technique, putting pitch above other melodic

Bill.Flavell at

--- In, "Aaron Krister Johnson" <aaron@...>
> Hey,
> I find it kind of ironic that you seem to hate serialism (based on
> what you wrote in the post on Harmony and Melody), but you have all
> sorts of posts in your group using terms such as 'Set Theory' and
> 'Pitch Class' which is the kind of language that comes right out of an
> Allen Forte or Roger Session textbook!
> Perhaps you are trying to exorcise/wrestle with a love/hate affair
> with serialism?
> -A.

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

12/9/2006 10:35:40 AM

--- In, "Bill Flavell" <musictheorybill@...>
> Pitch class set theory is NOT synonymous
> with serialism, by7 a long frigging shot! :)
> What I hate about serialism is the 12-tone
> technique, putting pitch above other melodic
> parameters.
> Bill.Flavell at

***"Other melodic parameters" being, perhaps, *rhythm?*...

🔗Bill Flavell <>

12/9/2006 3:58:09 PM

--- In, "Joseph Pehrson" <jpehrson@...> wrote:
> ***"Other melodic parameters" being, perhaps, *rhythm?*...

No, Joseph, my MIDI files deliberately DO NOT vary
either the dynamic or durational "rhythm" of the
melodies. It's purely an exercise in isolating
melody and tonality without the additional "noise"
of other rhythmic parameters.

They're meant to be reference melodies like color
samples of cloth, so a composer can pick a very precise
tonality to work with.

I think this is an important job that pre-compositional
music theorists have not done.

Bill.Flavell at

🔗Cameron Bobro <>

12/13/2006 1:07:29 AM

--- In, "Joseph Pehrson" <jpehrson@...> wrote:

> ***"Other melodic parameters" being, perhaps, *rhythm?*...

Melody as theme, motiv, cell, figure...then there's tempo, meter,
shape, phrase, sentence, not to mention considerations like allusion
and onomatopoeia, implications (or lack thereof) of structural

The WWW being such fertile loam for conspiracy theories, I'm sure
there are lurkers who are convinced that Bill is paying some of you
guys to make him look good. ;-)

-Cameron Bobro

🔗Bill Flavell <>

12/14/2006 9:38:32 AM

Thanks for the response and humor,
Cameron! :) LOL ROTFWL

I hope your music is as good as
your posts! :) LOL ROTFWL

Bill Flavell

--- In, "Cameron Bobro" <misterbobro@...>
> --- In, "Joseph Pehrson" <jpehrson@> wrote:
> > ***"Other melodic parameters" being, perhaps, *rhythm?*...
> Melody as theme, motiv, cell, figure...then there's tempo, meter,
> shape, phrase, sentence, not to mention considerations like
> and onomatopoeia, implications (or lack thereof) of structural
> harmony...
> The WWW being such fertile loam for conspiracy theories, I'm sure
> there are lurkers who are convinced that Bill is paying some of you
> guys to make him look good. ;-)
> -Cameron Bobro

🔗Cameron Bobro <>

12/14/2006 10:05:53 AM

--- In, "Bill Flavell" <musictheorybill@...>
> Thanks for the response and humor,
> Cameron! :) LOL ROTFWL

Your welcome, my pleasure.

> I hope your music is as good as
> your posts! :) LOL ROTFWL
> Bill Flavell

Much, much better. :-)

-Cameron Bobro