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12EDO Electronic Keyboard Alternative "Mapping" #001:

🔗Bill Flavell <>

11/28/2006 7:53:35 AM

In celebration of the upcoming 66th anniversary
of Frank Zappa's birth (12/21/1940), here's my
nominee for the "Grand Poobah" of 12EDO
electronic keyboard alternative mappings:

I suggest continuously mapping the 12EDO
8-tone blues mode (scale steps 1-2-2-1-2-1-1-2)
onto the 12EDO keyboard as a Morse-Thue

For a 88-key keyboard, this would require the
following 11 cycles (A=1-2-2-1, B=2-1-1-2):



For a 61-key keyboard, only the first 8
cycles would be necessary:


The advantages of this mapping?

1. for original composition, every
transposition level of a conventionally
mapped 12EDO composition
should have a different tonality.

2. any music in the 12EDO repertoire
would also be playable and should also
have a differnt tonality at every transposition

I'd be glad to help anybody who wants to
try this figure out the frequencies to be used
on all of the MIDI note numbers, but we should
probably do that off the list.

Bill.Flavell at