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Explanations and definition of humor for Dan

🔗Joseph Pehrson <josephpehrson@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

12/9/1999 9:38:52 PM

Hi Dan --

No, not a really big point, but the humor comes not from expectations or
lack thereof concerning Larry Austin, but your reaction, which was very
justified, after you heard the Austin expecting to hear something like Ives
Fourth Symphony...

Austin is so "off" in his Ives interpretation that I could just imagine
your disappointment... I admit it's "slapstick" humor and not so
sophisticated -- kind of like watching someone slip on a banana peel, which
is how I felt when I first "stepped in" the Austin.

Well, I am being unfair. Austin did a fair amount of homework, and tried
his best. He also is talented in his own style. However, his work does
not sound like Ives.

You may find Johnny Reinhard's arguments specious. He is, after all, a man
of ACTION and performance, and not really a theoretical type (shoot me
again, Johnny)...

But, anyone has to agree that Johnny Reinhard's Ives Universe Symphony
HOLDS UP as a descendent of Ives Fourth Symphony and Ives other works.
There is NO QUESTION but that it is in the GRAND LINE... This is why I
state that I consider it an "historical document," and this is not just
because I am a friend of Reinhard...

It sounds like Ives, and really has the same impact. I'll bet anything
that you would not have been disappointed if you had picked up the CD and
played the Reinhard first!

BUT WE AT THE AFMM can't get the damn thing out!!! There are a number of
practical considerations concerning the CD, most of which are probably of
too sensitive a nature to post over an Internet forum.

It is a really sad state of affairs, and some of us on Reinhard's board (of
which I am a member) are trying to remedy this. It is by no means a
foregone conclusion, however... The great commercial CD of Reinhard's
efforts might just be "far gone..."

Joe Pehrson