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Bendeler & Werckmeister

🔗Brad Lehman <>

11/18/2006 6:56:46 AM

> As for 'knowable' - hmmm, how knowable can he be, he must have met
> hundreds of organists and organbuilders, not to mention
> harpsichordists - of which we now know only a scant dozen. Say,
> Bendeler, down the road from Werckmeister, who made up a few of his
> own perfectly decent circulating tunings just a few years later - now
> how many more Bendelers were there who didn't bother to write it down?

What's this about Bendeler (1654-1709) merely being "down the road from" Werckmeister? He was a teacher (1681+), and then THE CANTOR (1687+), there at Quedlinburg where/when Werckmeister was the organist.

Furthermore, Bendeler's stuff was republished in Leipzig later, while Bach was chief *there*.

Bradley Lehman