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re: Lehman tuning (which has nothing to do with DaVinci Code methods)

🔗Brad Lehman <>

11/13/2006 11:54:05 AM

> It seems silly that Bradley's work was published. Musicologists have
> been failing music and the people making music for a very long time.
> There are so many examples to name. However, there are plenty of
> other fields that have been as bad, or worse.
> > That said, the real scandal is not Bradley's attempt to get legs for
> his autochtonous deduction(s), but that an "august" body deigned to
> print England.
> > A thank you to Ibo Ortgies for leading a charge, though damage has
> already been done. There were so many holes in Lehman's assertions
> that one must wonder "why" it was published, and under peer review!

"Damage has been done..."--er, what "damage" is there in inducing musicians and musicologists to think, to experiment, and to re-study the material closely?

"Holes in Lehman's assertions..."--I happen to disagree that the straw-man points brought up by Lindley/Ortgies are such holes in my work. Their article in its italic/roman format is an attempt to guess my argument's premises (on the way to knocking them down), and in some cases they're way off with their guesses. Are you simply taking their word for it?

My premises are here:
and have been since May 31 2006. There shouldn't be any great excuse for misunderstanding those, unless one *prefers* straw-man arguments against my work!

My own specific remarks about the new Lindley/Ortgies article are at
I continue to add sections to that page every few days, so keep checking back....

My other two articles continue to be available, too, for anyone interested to read my follow-ups after the Oxford piece.
Autumn 2005 here:
Spring 2006 here:

And, the Oxford one itself, including its seven files that are all part of it:

Bradley Lehman