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Geriatic tests - Buzz-tone - results

🔗Charles Lucy <>

6/22/2006 6:02:11 PM

Since I shall be 60 this year; if the claims are correct, I should not be able to hear this sound -
yet it comes in loud and clear for me, played as an mp3 via QuickTime, and on Bose noise cancelling headphones, and as an .aif via Spear and Logic.

To analyse what was happening I had to convert it to .aif, and using Spear (a freebie analysis application); available from this url:

I find that the main signal is at 15kHz and the lowest pitch in the spectrum shows as 14.3KHz; the highest at 15.6kHz.

Reducing its pitch down two octaves, vastly increased its apparent volume for me though.

But then I have led a "sheltered" life, and managed to avoid many loud sounds; except the occasional heavy metal band, a few bomb explosions (IRA); about a dozen sonic booms (RAF tests in the 1950's)
; and both light and heavy gunfire (in war zones and elsewhere)..

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