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yo! ~ dan stearns ~

🔗David Beardsley <xouoxno@xxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

12/6/1999 11:35:03 PM

I've been trying to answer private email to you
for 14 hours and it keeps bouncing!

Your email address is


* D a v i d B e a r d s l e y
* 49/32 R a d i o "all microtonal, all the time"
* M E L A v i r t u a l d r e a m house monitor

🔗D.Stearns <stearns@xxxxxxx.xxxx>

12/7/1999 2:56:05 PM

[David Beardsley:]
> I've been trying to answer private email to you for 14 hours and it
keeps bouncing!

That's odd.

> Your email address is Right?

Hmm, looks like a colon made its way in there somehow, try
<>. Hopefully that works... But if for some reason
it should not (and you don't mind), feel free to post it at the TD (as
it's hardly off topic stuff anyway).


🔗David Beardsley <xouoxno@xxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

12/7/1999 6:31:30 PM

"D.Stearns" wrote:
> > I've been trying to answer private email to you
> > for 14 hours and it keeps bouncing!
> That's odd.

Apparently your email server doesn't like my
domain name. Really strange because I don't
think there's that many users on!

Anywayz - here's my belated reply to your private email:

"D.Stearns" wrote:
> > 13 limit just intonation electric
> Hey David,
> Is this identical to the one pictured on Glenn Peterson's site (the
> one he made for Catler with the bent frets)?

Yes except mine has an extra 39/32 that Glenn forgot
on Jons guitar. In fact, if there's one photo on
his site that shows a neck with no body - that's mine.

> How do you like it, if
> indeed it is the same (it looks absolutely AWESOME)?

It's a blast. I'm still learning where all
the notes are but in the last week I made a big
break through. In fact I'm listening to a dat that
I made last night.

> I had a classical
> fretted with single string fret stops (fret-lets), and I found it
> surprisingly more difficult to get comfortable with than I had
> anticipated... how's your experience been with 'em?

I got used to the small fretlets. My problem is
in some places the frets are too close together
but I think I'll get used to that too. ;)

* D a v i d B e a r d s l e y
* 49/32 R a d i o "all microtonal, all the time"
* M E L A v i r t u a l d r e a m house monitor