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Stylistically Neutral 12EDO Tonality Cross-Section #1:

🔗Bill Flavell <>

6/2/2006 4:31:26 PM

I just finished writing out and playing my first
sampling of twelve 13-note melodies (6 primes
and 6 inversions), and here are the resulting
subscale sizes and tonalities:

Subscale size distribution:

Four 5-tone subscales, one 6-tone subscale,
and one 7-tone subscale.

Tonality distribution:

Pure blues: one 5-tone subscale

Pure octatonic: one 5-tone subscale

Octatonic blues: one 5-tone subscale

Non-blues/non-octatonic: one 5-tone, one 6-tone,
and one 7-tone subscale.

I'll post text versions of the melodies as soon
as I get a chance. I have to post text versions
because I don't have access to a MIDI sequencer
right now.

Bill.Flavell at