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Re-Introductory Post:

🔗Bill Flavell <>

6/2/2006 2:28:10 PM

I'm a 58-year-old Scottish-Welsh amateur
pre-compositional music theorist and wanna-be
composer currently located at Cal State
Northridge, CA near Los Angeles.

My particular specialties are (1) a 12EDO
13-note all-interval-class (containing the intervals
1,2,3,4,5, and 6 semitones)/all-contour
(containing BOTH the ascending AND
descending forms of those 6 intervals)
melody-generating algorithm, (2) the use
of the Morse-Thue sequence (
t.pdf+morse-thue+sequence&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=3 )
as a contour choice ordering algorithm in
order to objectively evaluate 12EDO interval strings
and also as a non-linear means of creating
non-12EDO tunings with non-12EDO intervals,
(3) the "nesting" (aligning/sandwiching the prime
and inversion forms of a 12EDO subscale in the
minimum pitch/registral space) of 12EDO
subacles as the ideal way
to audition the linear melodic potential of 12EDO
subscales, and (4) the concept of "bi-directional
non-redundancy" as a means of creating large
12EDO interval strings or non-12EDO tunings.

I will post a diagram of 6-object bi-directional
non-redundancy as soon as I can.

Bill Flavell

🔗Bill Flavell <>

6/2/2006 4:33:36 PM

--- In, "J.Smith" <jsmith9624@...> wrote:
> Yeah, me too! BTW, have you met Gene?

No, I haven't, J! :)

Thanks for the response! :)

Bill.Flavell at

🔗Gene Ward Smith <>

6/2/2006 5:22:01 PM

--- In, "Bill Flavell" <bill_flavell@...> wrote:
> --- In, "J.Smith" <jsmith9624@> wrote:
> >
> > Yeah, me too! BTW, have you met Gene?
> No, I haven't, J! :)

Or Paul G. Hjelmstad, a tuning-math regular, who is interested in
12-et scale questions.

🔗Bill Flavell <>

6/3/2006 11:08:29 AM

--- In, "Gene Ward Smith" <genewardsmith@...>
> Or Paul G. Hjelmstad, a tuning-math regular, who is interested in
> 12-et scale questions.

Thanks for the response, Gene! :)

It ius very important to realize that
12EDO processes/concepts can be applied
also to other EDO tunings.

Bill Flavell

🔗Bill Flavell <>

8/30/2006 7:50:27 AM

I'm back at Cal State University San Marcos
(north San Diego County) and figured out how
to diagram my 12EDO blues "nested" pentachords
(which I will explain in a separate post) in
the Microsoft Word document format.

I'm e-mailing these 20 scale diagrams free
to anybody who would like to have them. Just
e-mail me at Bill.Flavell at

Bill Flavell