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Re: Ives's tuning: question re: Ives's stretched 'larger scale'

🔗Joe Monzo <monz@xxxx.xxxx>

12/6/1999 11:35:14 AM

I quoted the editor of the 'Scrapbook' from Ives's writings
upon which I based my webpage about this scale:

> [*7] There are three copies of the following diagram differing
> only in minor details: (1) on a rejected title page of "last
> Chorus" of _The Celestial Country_ (Q1718), back of which is
> p. 1 of the score-sketch of _The Indians_ (Q2838) - (2) in m51v
> - and (3) in m52v.

I'd certainly like to know where to find the manuscripts of
those diagrams 'differing only in minor details', to analyze
precisely what those 'minor details' are. Does anyone have
any info?

And here's another point:

Because Ives uses 'D#' for the first stretched-'octave' in
this scale in the musical example, I submit that perhaps the
musical example is an earlier conception of the scale, when
he had tried both the 48-tET and 9-tET versions, and that
the diagram is a later version, after he thought of the idea
of using a quarter-tone interval as the cyclic repetition.
This would be the opposite of what is implied by the editor's
placement of these two fragments in the published version.


Joseph L. Monzo Philadelphia
|"...I had broken thru the lattice barrier..."|
| - Erv Wilson |

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