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A note on the naming of musical intervals

🔗David C Keenan <>

12/4/1999 12:07:24 AM

Hi folks. I'm back. For a short time.
Blame Paul Erlich and Herman Miller. :-)

I'm still working on a piece on how to optimally distribute commas, that arose out of Herman's recent discoveries with regard to distributing the 126/125 septimal semicomma or small septimal comma (two names I'm suggesting for it. What's your vote?).

But on the way I got side-tracked into writing this piece on how to systematically name intervals up to 11-limit.

I'd like your opinions. Thanks.

-- Dave Keenan

🔗David C Keenan <>

12/4/1999 3:09:09 PM

Sorry Folks,

In the previous digest (420) I posted the wrong URL. It should have been

-- Dave Keenan