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awesome sequencer. great for pitch bend based microtonal sequencing

🔗Drew Skyfyre <skyfyre2@xxxxx.xxxx>

12/2/1999 4:28:43 AM

For those using the pitch bend method for microtonal sequencing may be
interested to know that Yamaha's incredible RM1x sequencer has a feature
allowing u to set a "preset" pitch bend for each of 16 channels. This is set
per pattern, so ea. pattern could be setup for different 16-note tunings.
Never mind Yamaha's misguided efforts to market this machine as a competitor
to Roland's "groovebox" toyz. I've read the manual & think it's the most
powerful hardware sequencer on the planet. Lots of esoteric functions u
wouldn't think a major corporation would stick in a commercial product.

Info (very basic):

also :

For a real look at it's capabilities :

Owner's Manual : 6.4MB

"List Book" - Gives a list of voices, effects, parameters,
MIDI implementation chart, including SysEx : 462KB

I think most of u will be very surprised at the power this has.
Yamaha does a poor job of marketing it, complete with dumbass web pages with
barely any useful info.

Unfortunately, though it has a capable XG synth built in, they left out the
scale tuning function for some reason. C'est la vie !
Still, great for @US$680 retail.

- Drew

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