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AW.: revised and expanded Haba stuff on my site


12/2/1999 2:03:31 AM

In einer Nachricht vom 12/2/99 6:26:04 AM (MEZ) Mitteleurop�ische

One of the sources I used mentioned how Haba continued to compose
microtonal music all his life, but how the percentage of his work
that was microtonal dropped off dramatically after the communist
takeover of Czechoslovakia. This is vividly portrayed on my list
now. It's also made obvious that during the 1920s and 1930s the
vast majority of his work was in 24-tET. >>

I wouldn't read too much into this -- he was simply more enthusiastic during
his youth about the quartertone project, and like many younger composers, he
was able to compose with impressive fluency.

The drop-off also coincided with his deeper engagement with the
Anthroposophical movement, which left him rather isolated under both
nationlist and socialist Czechoslovakian states. Nevertheless, under the
latter, he did receive performances, recordings, and publications despite his
distance to socialist realism.