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Electronic Byzantine Keyboard

🔗Kris Peck <kpeck@xxxxxxxx.xxxx>

2/6/1999 7:55:15 AM

Found this paper at work:

"Study and Design of an Electronic Musical Instrument Which Accurately
Produces the Spaces of the Byzantine Music"
Mastorakis, Gioldasis, Koutsouvelis, Theodorou
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics
Vol 41, No 1, Feb 1995

The paper begins with a brief explanation of Byzantine music's use of a
36ET system. It goes on to provide drawings and schematics for what
appears to be a very simple analog synthesizer. The keyboard in the
drawing is simply a 12ET keyboard with each key split into three. The
instrument in the picture only covers one octave. (Not exactly the
MicroZone...) The authors are with the National Technical University of
Athens, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.

Since the article appears in a consumer electronics journal, we can assume
that the electronics market will be flooded with these instruments any day
now, right?
