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Re: AW.: Re: the word microtone-according to Wolf/and Ives


12/1/1999 6:02:42 AM

Though I do consider composition to be part of the interest of a discipline
of microtonality, at Dan Wolf's suggestion, I will no longer recognize his
activity as a composer to be a subdiscipline to that of tuning. ;) The point
here is that composition in the abstract draws fine lines in the specific
regarding tuning. Those familiar with my working philosophy in concert
programming know that I consider all music to be microtonal because there are
indeed so many models for intonation usage, including Javanese (or should I
pull that one, too?)

Dan's "honor" to Carrillo notwithstanding, the "smaller-than-a-semitone"
definition of a microtone is archaic. For example, according to these howls,
Egyptian music is not microtonal because there is no interval used in the
maqam that are smaller than a semitone: they are all larger than a semitone.

Oh, on another point: just found evidence that George Ives, Charles's father,
also considered C# higher than Db. He discussed it in his theory book
written for his son then a Freshman at Yale. George Ives suggests that a C -
Db be called an interval of a "First" since it is the first chromatic

Johnny Reinhard
American Festival of Microtonal Music