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Switched-on Bach

🔗Carl Lumma <clumma@xxx.xxxx>

11/20/1999 8:22:24 AM

>There really needs to be one. BTW, Wendy Carlos did "Switched-On Bach" in
>1/5-comma meantone, and there was an article called "the 48 in 31" by one of
>the Scalatron people claiming that the entire WTC worked better in meantone
>(specifically, 31-tET).

>Actually, some parts (of the 25th anniversary version) were in 1/5-comma
>meantone, and others were in a kind of well-tempered scale ("circular"
>tuning in her terminology). But either tuning sounds good for Bach to me; I
>usually use a well-tempered scale of one kind or another. I haven't tried
>the WTC in 31-TET, but it sounds like an interesting idea, since it's so
>close to 1/4-comma meantone.

"25th anniversary" is the subtitle of the album otherwise known as
"Switched-on Bach 2000", which features a variety tunings, including 1/5
comma meantone, "optimized" well-temperament, and even a polymicrotonal
piece in which the brass are tuned to the harmonic series. The original
S-OB is "barely in equal temperament".

Paul, I read that Scalatron article, and agreed with it completely.
Herman, I think your MIDI sequences are incredible, especially the 16tET
one. Bravo too on the Joplinesque one in 26.
