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Generalized keyboard from Siemen Terpstra

🔗harold_fortuin <>

12/28/2005 7:54:55 PM

I don't know if these are for sale, or how they play, or anything, but
when I googled "Siemen Terpstra", a Canadian microtonalist I met in
Holland back in 1994, I found this:

Anyone know any more about these?

🔗Jon Szanto <>

12/28/2005 9:50:36 PM

--- In, "harold_fortuin" <harold_fortuin@y...>
> Anyone know any more about these?

Johnny Reinhard, who has some connection to this project, posted a few
months ago on progress; Joseph Pehrson also mentioned seeing them, and
had some ideas about proposed sales prices. I'd say do a search (lame
as it is) in the archives on Terpstra...


🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

12/29/2005 6:32:01 AM

--- In, "harold_fortuin" <harold_fortuin@y...>
> I don't know if these are for sale, or how they play, or anything, but
> when I googled "Siemen Terpstra", a Canadian microtonalist I met in
> Holland back in 1994, I found this:
> Anyone know any more about these?

***Johnny Reinhard will write more definitively about this, but in the
meantime I can relate the good news that these keyboards will be
available for sale through the American Festival of Microtonal Music in
New York, which Johnny runs. The instruments are in the refinement
stage. I've actually played on one at Queens College. There should be
one installed at Queens in about March of next year and production of
others should soon follow.

And the price? Well the objective has been to get them in the $1,000-
$2,000 range. However, that depends on the number of orders. At the
moment, it seems the keyboard will be more expensive than that, but
your order and that of others (several others, like maybe 100 if
possible) could change the pricing structure significantly.

Johnny will have more info. on this list soon, I am certain...

Joseph Pehrson

🔗paolovalladolid <>

12/30/2005 11:17:08 AM

--- In, "Joseph Pehrson" <jpehrson@r...> wrote:
> ***Johnny Reinhard will write more definitively about this, but in the
> meantime I can relate the good news that these keyboards will be
> available for sale through the American Festival of Microtonal Music in
> New York, which Johnny runs.

Will this be in Spring, 2006?

If so, I don't mind holding off on my fretless bass guitar purchase
and and budgeting for one of these keyboards instead.

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

12/30/2005 12:47:29 PM

--- In, "paolovalladolid" <phv40@h...> wrote:
> --- In, "Joseph Pehrson" <jpehrson@r...> wrote:
> > ***Johnny Reinhard will write more definitively about this, but in
> > meantime I can relate the good news that these keyboards will be
> > available for sale through the American Festival of Microtonal
Music in
> > New York, which Johnny runs.
> Will this be in Spring, 2006?
> If so, I don't mind holding off on my fretless bass guitar purchase
> and and budgeting for one of these keyboards instead.

***I think you'll have to contact Johnny Reinhard concerning the timing
and pricing details.



🔗paolovalladolid <>

12/30/2005 10:11:21 PM

--- In, "Joseph Pehrson" <jpehrson@r...> wrote:
> --- In, "paolovalladolid" <phv40@h...> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "Joseph Pehrson" <jpehrson@r...> wrote:
> > > ***Johnny Reinhard will write more definitively about this, but in
> the
> > > meantime I can relate the good news that these keyboards will be
> > > available for sale through the American Festival of Microtonal
> Music in
> > > New York, which Johnny runs.
> >
> > Will this be in Spring, 2006?
> >
> > If so, I don't mind holding off on my fretless bass guitar purchase
> > and and budgeting for one of these keyboards instead.
> >
> ***I think you'll have to contact Johnny Reinhard concerning the timing
> and pricing details.
> Thanks!
> Joseph


Fair enough. I'll just keep watching this group and the for
updates. Thanks for the info so far.
