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re: bach's chaconne in 5-limit and other just things

🔗Carl Lumma <clumma@xxx.xxxx>

11/18/1999 11:39:19 AM

>And anyway, the anomalies are so brief that they provide a nice "wake-up
>call" and I like that sort of intensity.

I like it too, especially in the 7-limit Pathetique. If temperament can
make puns by fixing scale degrees to frequencies and changing their
rational interpretation, maybe JI can make puns by fixing scale degrees to
rational interpretations and changing their frequencies -- maybe, as Wilson
has been saying for years, commatic shifts can be anything but a problem!

John, my enthusiasm for your project may be apparent. But let me say that
hearing works like the Bach and Beethovan, which are so important to me
emotionally, performed with the power of intricate tuning has had a
profound spiritual impact on me.

Even the 5-limit Bach, which would benefit the least (or suffer the most,
depending on how you feel about my first paragraph) from commatic shifts is
clearly better for the richer color and greater consonance of JI -- the
reduction of beating over the tempered version is immediatley audible.


🔗John A. deLaubenfels <jadl@xxxxxx.xxxx>

11/19/1999 9:26:07 AM

[Carl Lumma, TD 401.7:]
> But let me say that
> hearing works like the Bach and Beethoven, which are so important to
> me emotionally, performed with the power of intricate tuning has had a
> profound spiritual impact on me.

Super! I feel lucky, really incredibly lucky, to have landed in a time
and place where these tools are at hand!