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The Morse-Thue Sequence and the 12EDO 8-Tone Blues Mode (1-2-2-1-2-1-1-2):

🔗Bill Flavell <>

12/23/2005 10:22:40 AM

Just a note for those on the list who don't think
12EDO is "dead". :)

The fractal contour choice ordering sequence (ABBA-BAAB-BAAB-ABBA to
16 places) which I stumbled on about 1986 and was graciously
informed by somebody on this list recently that it is known in
mathematics as the "Morse-Thue sequence"
t.pdf+morse-thue+sequence&hl=en ) is also embodied in the

tuning system as the 8-tone blues mode 8-26 of pitch
class set theory ( scale steps 1-2-2-1-2-1-1-2 ).

This scale/mode features a new kind of reflectional
mirror symmetry that I call "binary fractal inversional
reflectional symmetry" because one half of the sequence
is the retrograde inversion of the other half of the
sequence (sort of like a hinged 2-section waffle iron as an
everyday metaphor).

My initial motivation for finding the sequence was to
have a stylistically neutral/objective contour choice
ordering sequence to apply to 12EDO interval strings
in order to be able to compare them objectively.

Bill Flavell