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bach's chsconne in 5-limit and other just things

🔗Jay Williams <jaywill@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

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Jay here,
I've listened to the 5-limit rendition some more and, apart from the
occasional funny third that occurs in one of those wildly chromatic parts
where, I imagine, sumpm's gotta give when a program or its author has to
decide which way a note's gotta move for the general betterment of the
piece, it's music to me ears. And anyway, the anomalies are so brief that
they provide a nice "wake-up call" and I like that sort of intensity. Now I
think I did hear a note or two early on in the piece that were/was a
semitone off, but I don't know the piece well enough to say fer sher. And
it's true, my patience is not in the area of studying these examples all
that meticulously, though I admire those who do. It's all to the good, somehow.
As to the most just tuning for a given kind of music or for music in
general, I'm pretty flexible. I like authenticity when we can have it, but I
also like the idea that these differences in tuning are rather like
different seasonings and, if applied with taste, do more good than harm. At
this point in time my main concern is to find ways of opening the ears of
_allll those Rollos out there to the joys of other-than-equal temperament.
One thing I _do know, I with I could bring into reality the performance of
Machaut's "Messe de Notre Dame" as it sounded in a long-ago dream. It was
via a buncha wax cylinders made in the 1300's by HIMSELF conducting. The
Pythagorean 3rds and 6ths were astounding.