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AW.: Re: Wyschnegradsky's _Ainsi Parlait Zarathoustra_


11/17/1999 3:25:02 PM

In einer Nachricht vom 11/17/99 9:56:14 PM (MEZ) Mitteleurop�ische

<< do have a recordig of Zarathustra
played over the radio with Wyschnegradsky in the KPFK Berklee studio with
well known DJ - Amirkhanian. I believe that Pierre Boulez is playing one of
the 4 piano parts.

Opus 17 (...Zarathustra) was not played in the 1945 concert in which Boulez
took part. The pieces played were the opera 10, 21, 23, 25, 28. Opus 17 was
premiered in 1937 in Salle Chopin under the direction of the composer.

Boulez is one of the Honorary Advisors of the Wyschnegradsky Society in
Paris. He is not really hostile. There is a story people tell of
Wyschnegradsky bringing a score to Boulez who had said he would look it
over. >>

In recent years, and in light of the recent attention that Wyschnegradsky's
music has had in the complexity and spectral circles, Boulez has mellowed
somewhat, but his earlier disavowal and neglect of Wyschnegradsky are not
negated. Boulez had a tremendous amount of power and influence over French
musical life while W. was still alive, and he was anything but supportive.