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Improvitory Series at Sonic Arts

🔗Denny Genovese <interval@xxxxxx.xxxx>

11/13/1999 11:32:41 AM

Sonic Arts Gallery introduces the "Improvitory" music series.

The new Friday Night Improvitory Music Series will begin at 8pm November
5th at the Sonic Arts Gallery - 2961 Beech Street, in Golden Hill, San

Some of the music will feature relatively new instruments like the
Theremin, Om Bass,
Godzilla and Wing. Others will use more conventional instruments, and
some pieces
will use written instructions. Some of the instruments will be played by
their inventors.

The Improvitory series will be presented each Friday night at 8pm from
November 12th to December 10th (excluding Thanksgiving):

� Nov. 12: Jonathan Glasier

� Nov. 19: Denny Genovese - Theremin!

� Dec. 3: Able Ashes and Marcello Radulovich

� Dec. 10: Brink and Hirsh - On the Brink

Friday Nights - 8pm - Sonic Arts Gallery - 2961 Beech St. - Golden Hill

The Sonic Arts Gallery, an improv music venue and museum of experimental
instruments, is owned by Jonathan and Elizabeth Glasier. Jonathan
Glasier has been a microtonal composer and improviser for many years. As
a music student at UCSD in the late 1960�s he was an assistant to the
microtonal music pioneer, Harry Partch. The museum includes Partch
memorabilia as well as the instrument collection of the late Ivor

Contact: Jonathan Glasier (619) 231-3673
or: Denny Genovese (619) 284-6579