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Concert Review: Improvitory #1

🔗Denny Genovese <interval@xxxxxx.xxxx>

11/13/1999 11:29:22 AM


2961 Beech St.
San diego, California

This was the first of 4 events scheduled for Friday evenings at the end
of the 2nd Millenium.

Jonathan Glasier was the Primary performer, with collaborations by his
wife Elizabeth, long-time recording and performing associate Jeff
Stayton, Marcello Radulovich, Hans Fjellest,Kevin Dummans, and Sam

It took place in the historic (for microtonal music) Sonic Arts Gallery.
The place is full of one of a kind microtonal instruments, including the
bulk of those left to Jonathan by the late Ivor Darreg.

Jonathan began the concert with a harmonic singing number, in which he
accompanied himself on cello. He used techniques reminiscent of both the
Mongolian and Thibetan styles of harmonic singing and his cello work in
combination with it was remarkably reminiscent of Harry Partch (who
lived with Jonathan's family during J.G.'s childhood).

The next piece was more harmonic singing, with an adapted autoharp tuned
to the harmonic series.

Then, he switched to the TS-10 microtonal synthesizer and played a piece
that started in 19 tone equal temperament and gradually transferred to
Carlos Beta tuning. Jeff Stayton accompanied him on OM Bass (Jeff's
version of Ivor's Megalyra).

Elizabeth Glasier then began an exotic 7 beat ostinato on roto-toms,
while Jonathan improvised in 19tet with a xylophone voice on the TS-10.

Next, Elizabeth switched to the Percussion Bush and the Godzilla (it
sounds like the famous monster singing), while Jonathan played the
Xoaxacan Flute and then switched to the Wing (a bowed percussion
instrument whose sound cannot be described).

Set 2 included a duet with Marcello on Cello and Hans Fjellest on the
sazy ( a turkish lute, used in Greek music), another duet with Able
Ashes on guitar and Sam Lopez on Electric Bass, A solo by Jonathan on a
set of 17 Thibetan Bells, and a final duet with Elizabeth playing 19
tone Marimba and Jonathan beginning on Shakuhachi and finishing on 19
tone guitar.

It was a memorable event for improvised microtonal performance!

Best to all,

Denny Genovese