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Re: Re: 7-limit in blues etc...

🔗Patrick Pagano <ppagano@xxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

11/13/1999 1:00:55 PM

JI speculated a while back in a posting here, when we were

> discussing Danielou's ideas, that it may be precisely the
> preponderance of 7-limit rational implications in blues
> that contributed to its being referred to as 'devil's music'.
> -monz

and is not the 7/5 a tritone and considered a diaboloso
~i have also read via blavatsky,bailey and besant and a few others that
tones 45/32, 7/5 etc... are governed by the Devas and are responsible for
cellular formations and our using these tones either aids or hampers their
EX i had a dogwood tree outside my old apt
it never flowered for two of the five years i was living there
when i began using just intonation with the ensemble and few years back now
the tree would bloom and leave me these angelic white flowers all over my
since we have stopped rehearsing there as i have moved (i drive past the
tree at least once a week) ~ it has not bloomed since....
-----i cannot draw a lattice or give a mathematical explanantion only what i
have felt and percieved from using JI particularly the 7 limit-------
if anyone is interested you can read this wonderful book (whos author now
escapes me) called the Secret Life of Plants hahahahahahahahah