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E-mu ESI v/s Ensoniq ASR-X Pro

🔗Drew Skyfyre <skyfyre2@xxxxx.xxxx>

11/13/1999 4:24:16 AM


> What about the Ensoniq ASR-X Pro digital sampler? (I'm thinking about
> purchasing one)...
Just think of it as an MR rock/61/76 with sampling added.
Same microtuning spec & synth engine. The ESI-2000 isn't yet listed at any
retailer's sites. It's that new. But since the ESI-4000 is between US$ 800 &
900, the ESI-2000 should be much less, perhaps between 700 & 800. Better
value (128 MB & 64 voices) than the ASR-X which is $1350 new. Spend the
money u save on a hardware sequencer (if u want one) & an external efx
processor like the Lexicon M-100 @$250 (if u need one).

If you're into analog sounds, you can get the Analog Odyssey CD-ROM & load
up the ESI.

Formula 4000 CD-ROM Library :

E-mu (& Ensoniq) Samplers :

- Drew

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