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Yet another altered dominant scale

🔗Robert C Valentine <bval@xxx.xxxxx.xxxx>

11/11/1999 6:09:48 AM

We've talked about both an altered dominant chord
and an altered dominant scale. There seems to be
a minor concesus on the chord being tuned

8 10 12 14 17 22 26

It seems to have raised a bunch of issues.

One thing is the issue of the 'third' being tuned
to a 5/4, or a 32/25. (Now I understand what Margots
recent post was referring to, since I didn't make
the connection to 1.28 until now). But its a
diminished fourth, whose useage as a major third
is an artifact of certain tunings (including 12tet).

My tunings of the altered dominant scale preserved
other artifacts. One that preserves the
idea of 'tritone substitution' and finding a nice
'lydian b7' mode when you get there is

1/1 16/15 6/5 5/4 64/45 8/5 16/9
45/32 3/2 27/16 16/9 1/1 9/8 5/4.

But now that the full implications of 'adjustment'
are beginning to sink in, I'm realizing that what
had seemed like a complicated multi-dimensional
optimisation problem has just gone time-dependent
nonlinear in a big way.

Bob Valentine