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11/10/1999 5:27:39 PM

>From: Jim Savage <>
>John Link wrote:
>>>I presume you use a 7/4 ratio for the G7 minor7th because it's the 7th
>>>harmonic of G, no?
>>Yes. Anything else would be out of tune.
>Sorry, I should have elaborated. Pardon my ignorance, but I don't
>understand, unless it's voice leading considerations (?), but the minor 7th
>in the Dmin7 chord is in tune at 9/5. There'st more stuff on the web I
>should read before asking more inane questions in this direction, but all
>suggestions of good reading on why certain ratios are best in one chord and
>not another would be most welcome.

Yes, C as 9/5 relative to D is in tune in D-7 in the key of C. That's
because D-7 is a elaborated version, or extension, of the basic subdominant
F major triad, and D is added to the F triad in such a way as to make a
minor triad with the F and A as they are already tuned in the F triad. On
the other hand F is added to the dominant G triad in such a way as to make
the new chord less stable, or more tense, than the G major triad. If F were
tuned as 9/5 relative to G, the G7 chord would be too stable for its
purpose of drawing us back to the tonic C. At some time in the near future
I will write about cases where the 7th in a dominant chord tunes other than
as 7/4 relative to the root. The examples will be different from those
we've discussed in the past few days.

>>Get yourself some singers. Or, take a look at for some
>>software that I think might do what you want.
>Unfortunately Justonic won't integrate into my system at all (doesn't
>support my synths, runs on a different platform than my sequencer, etc.),
>otherwise I'ld experiment with it.
>But my biggest interest is to understand whatever theory there is behind
>tuning, at least as far as there are physical reasons for some things
>sounding good and others sounding like they should change soon - up to the
>point where it turns into individual aesthetics, cultures, etc. (which I'm
>getting the impression happens fairly quickly :)). All references greatly
>welcomed (I've got lots of URLs from this group and searching the web, but
>if anybody has compiled a list that would be great).

I intend to write extensively about this topic. Until I do, I suggest that
you pick up Gerald Eskelin's "Lies My Music Teacher Told Me", which I think
that you will find helpful and provocative. Eskelin's website is

Also, "The Story of Harmony" by Rex Wyler and Bill Gannon looks good from
glancing at it today (it just arrived). That book is available at

John Link