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Juxtaposition Net Radio evolves into 49/32 Radio

🔗David Beardsley <xouoxno@xxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

11/10/1999 4:37:43 PM

Juxtaposition Net Radio - the worlds first
all microtonal streaming audio program - is celebrating
it's 5 month anniversary by changing it's name:
from now on the program will be known as:

49/32 Radio
"microtonal music all the time"

This Sunday 11/14/1999, 11-3pm EST, we have a special
program of North Indian Classical music with
Steve Gorn (flute) and Michael Harrison (voice)
recorded live in New York city on Sept. 24, 1999.

And since Michael is performing
Incantations: Music For The Harmonically Tuned Piano
at Roulette that evening at 9pm, we'll be also playing his
album From Ancient Worlds (New Albion).

His press release:

So get your Real Audio upgraded and join the celebration.
If you can't make the connection at showtime,
check the show out in the archives also at:

Recent programs have featured:

Brij Bhushan Kabra & Zakir Hussain, Harry Bertoia,
Gaduri, Alan Lamb, The Music of Laos and The Music of
Islam and Sufism in Morocco from the Anthology of World Music,
Keenan Lawler, Ian Nagoski, the Dagar Brothers,
Glenn Branca, Ellen Fullman, Nancy Lesh,
Thelonius Monk, The Catler Bros.,
Birdhouse, Jimi Hendrix, Steel Blue,
La Monte Young's Forever Bad Blues Band.
Ornette Coleman, Kyle Gann, David B. Doty and Ben Neill.

* D a v i d B e a r d s l e y
* J u x t a p o s i t i o n N e t R a d i o
* M E L A v i r t u a l d r e a m house monitor