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Pure Tuning, Music and Intelligence, In Concert

🔗Brian Carlson <bxcarl3@xxxxxx.xxxx>

2/3/1999 2:33:42 PM

I've heard of people doing Music Therapy and I don't know much about it,
but I haven't heard tuning brought up in that particular context. However,
when I've talked with massage therapists and others in the healing
professions, they have shown a lot of interest in the idea of tunings and
frequencies as potentially beneficial to our minds and bodies.

>> Can anyone explain how one's physical body and mind are actually
>> affected by pure tuning? Has anyone measured the effects scientifically
>> and documented the findings? How would one measure something like this?

> Maybe you should do this research!
-- Kraig Grady

I'd rather not do it myself, but if anyone's done any work in this
particular field or knows of any, I'd love to hear about it. (Pat - I've
started reading about the Lambdoma matrix - thank you)

As far as music and intelligence go, it seems that anything which engages
your mind will affect your intelligence, and with music, that will be
different for everybody. Perhaps something like baroque music might have a
measurable effect on a group of people because baroque music appeals to the
minds of a lot of people. A lot of the music discussed on this forum
might appeal to the minds of a smaller number of people, but can be just as
engaging. I imagine it would be terribly time consuming to measure this

Jimmy Lewis wrote "I have learned a lot about tunings and scales from this
list, but have often wondered how such knowledge leads to the goal (a
primitive one) of music, which is to promote synergy." I've wondered about
that too. I've heard it said that the term "in concert" refers to the
"secret current" that runs to and from audience and performer, that you do
not attend a concert, but are in concert. "Interestingly, this information
for the most part is second nature in musicians who receive their musical
experience and training in their cultural setting. They know how to play
the music to achieve a synergy between musician and audience." Yes. Does
anyone else have thoughts on tuning in the audience's frequency in concert?

🔗Patrick Pagano <ppagano@xxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

2/3/1999 4:41:55 PM

My ensemble -The Big Swifty & Associates Trendmongers did 14 concerts in 1997-8
w/ just frequency combined w/digital color projections done on a Media 100 and
the general response was awe and gasps when the music finished. I think dense
harminies based on JI are definitely effective to audience response --as long
as one does'nt over-intellectualize before hand trying to explain the tuning
process therby alienating the audience.
