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Whole numbers of Hertz

🔗Tom Dent <>

5/23/2005 4:18:00 PM

I present a tempered scale where every note is a whole number of
Hertz, in the pitch range just above middle C. The resulting
circulating temperament has a range of different cent values for the
fifth, major third, etc. The scale is particularly well adapted to
being tuned by ear as all the beat rates are whole numbers per second
(or half integers when tuned in a lower octave). I chose A=421 since
it is a common Baroque pitch standard. Other A pitches would lead to
different whole number temperaments...

E 315
F 335
F# 354
G 376
G# 398
A 421
Bb 447
B 472
C 502
C# 531
D 563
Eb 597

A rough description of the temperament would be: C-G, G-D, D-A, A-E,
Eb-Bb noticeably flat; E-B, C#-G#, Bb-F, F-C barely flat; B-F#, F#-
C#, G#-Eb pure.
