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Re: Midi Loopbacks update

🔗Robert Walker <>

5/18/2005 4:11:15 PM

Hi there,

I've done a new update of that page and it is now at:

Includes some more details about the loopbacks.
They really are very easy to install. There is
only one known issue - the Midi Yoke and Giga
one for XP. There was one for logic users
but it doesn't apply any more now that Logic
is Mac only.

I want to make the situation clear and hope that
people won't get put off using them. It is the
normal and recommended way to do this in Windows.
For instance if ever this is needed in the
articles about programs in Sound on Sound,
they will recommend one of these loopbacks
as the way to connect programs together.
Similarly in other forums and magazines,
whenever the matter comes up.
It is just how you do it and no-one has
any problems with it apart from the
well known Giga + Midi yoke issue.


🔗Robert Walker <>

5/18/2005 4:25:46 PM

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