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efficiency and TC

🔗Carl Lumma <clumma@xxx.xxxx>

10/29/1999 1:22:43 PM

>>As far as results, doesn't it actually agree very closely with efficiency?
>I don't know.

All the acoustics-free measures of scale goodness that I like seem to
measure either the similarity of a scale's modes, or of its keys.
Propriety meaures the former, TC is trying to measure the latter.
Efficiency seems to do a little of both.

Hmmm. Efficiency measures how much of a scale you have to hear before you
know what key it's in. If a scale's modes were all very different, you
wouldn't have to hear much to locate the key. But having to hear less to
locate the key also means there is more difference between all possible
keys, right? So this does mean that similarity of modes and similarity of
keys are related.
