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Re: fretless guitar / NY guitar

🔗Robert C Valentine <bval@xxx.xxxxx.xxxx>

10/27/1999 2:42:15 AM

Well... I'm not playing mine now, and don't live near
New York. However, I'd just like to put a plug for
a guy you can see around New York who can play
anything on a bottleneck guitar. Check out Dave
Tronzo, he shows up in Knitting Factory circles once
in awhile. For what its worth, I haven't seen him
since we were in school together 20 years ago when
he was prety phenominal, but I've heard highly of
him since then and have a nice "rootsish" CD of his,
though he has done more avante-garde, fusionish and
bop stuff in his career.

Bob Valentine